Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Test setup for performance testing

Performance testing is carried out when the product is stable and ready for deployment on production.
Test environment has major impact on performance test result. Setting up the correct environment is important for effective performance testing. Test setup is configured for testing the java web application.

The test environment includes hardware, software, and network configurations on test instance.


To execute the performance testing it should be executed on server machines with higher configuration such as RAM,Memory and CPU architecture.Test machine should support latest version of performance test tool identified for load simulation.


Following list of software to run performance testing using Jmeter:
  • JRE - Java 6 or above.
  • apache-jmeter-2.7.z01.
  • apache-ant-1.8.2
  • ant - ant-jmeter-1.0.9.jar.
  • mail.jar
  • Apache tomcat 7.0.40


Identify the application type and its component. All the components require for successful test execution should be reachable and in same subnet.If its not feasible consider the network latency.
All simulated request fired from client should reach to server.

A dedicated test environments is require for data load generation and test execution. Any other services,scripts, cron jobs or application should not be running on the test machine. If there is any stale process or thread is available it will affect the memory utlization and other performance parameter.

When performance test is executed HTTP requests are sent to Apache tomcat and then it forwards the request to application server hosted on amazon EC2 instance. Application reads the data from RDS Mysql instance and then send back the response.

The test setup components are described in details as follows:
Server – Amazon CentOS instance with RDS mysql database.
Client - Windows-07 with Apache jmeter installed , SSO module running on Tomcat server.

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